ღ Anima ღ

Stop - Lizz Wright


Don't tell me to stop【别让我停下来】

Tell the rain not to drop【让雨停下来】

Tell the wind not to blow【让风停下来】

'Cause he said so【因他是这样说的】

Tell me love isn't true【告诉我爱不是真的】

It's just something we do【它只不过是我们做的一些事】

Tell me everything I'm not【告诉我我什么都不是】

Don't tell me to stop【别让我停下来】

Tell the sun not to shine【让太阳不闪光】

Not to get up this time【不要在此刻升起】

Let it fall by the way【让它就这样落下】

Leave me where I lay【让我呆在我躺着的地方】

Tell the leaves not to turn【让树叶不变黄】

Don't tell me I'll learn【别告诉我 我将学会】

Take the black off a crow【明辨黑白】

But don't tell me go【但别让我走】

Tell the bed not to lay【让床不要像坟墓的入口一样】

Like the mouth of a grave【静卧不动】

Not to stare up at me【不要像双膝下跪的小牛】

Like a calf on its knees【凝视我】

Tell me love isn't true【告诉我爱不是真的】

It's just something we do【它只不过是我们做的一些事】

Tell me everything I'm not【告诉我我什么都不是】

Don't tell me to stop【别让我停下来】

Tell me everything I'm not【告诉我我什么都不是】

Don't tell me to stop【别让我停下来】

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